Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 10

June 10: Bus rides, rambling streets, and more

Just one of the many spanish flags we saw during our double-decker bus trip

Today marks the end of our classes on theoretical knowledge of Spanish art history. A total of eight hours was spent in the past three days solely dedicated to learning about eight centuries of Spanish history and the art that accompanied it. Ask us anything about Moorish mosaics, the significance and difference between various arch styles, flying buttresses, iconoclasm, or the Renaissance in Spain along with a number of other related topics, and we will be able to tell you anything you want to know. While class has been fairly fun because of the group of people involved, we are both pretty relieved to be done with this portion of the program. Classes could be a little rough as they lasted for three straight hours yesterday and today.

The end of our theoretical classes today means the beginning of the more hands-on learning tomorrow. We will also begin to learn about more modern art history beginning Friday. The class is taking a day trip to Toledo tomorrow to visit the Cathedral of Toledo and spectate part of the Corpus Christi celebration in the town. The trip promises to display some beautiful architecture and offer some cultural exposure. Friday we are taking our first of two trips to The Prado Museum which also promises to be an incredible experience. We'll report back later on both trips.

Speaking of cultural exposure, we both feel that our Spanish skills have improved dramatically only in the few days that we have been here. At the beginning of the trip, we both recognized the importance of actively trying to improve this skill while we are here. While most people would not expect that bar hopping would have any intellectual benefits, we have found that it is the best way to work on speaking Spanish. Bars are full of people who love to talk and meet new people. Bars in Madrid are full of native Spanish speakers who love both of these things as well. Could there be a better place to learn how to speak Spanish? Our skills improved especially yesterday, and that is most likely due to the fact that we went out with some new friends in our residencia who are from Granada and taking some classes in Madrid. We made new friends and learned a valuable skill...what a night. Don't get the wrong idea here though, we work on our communication skills in other situations as well. Communicating with our landlady has been difficult at time, but it gets easier with each encounter.

In the late afternoon both BC classes took a double-decker bus tour ride throughout the city. Hopefully pictures will come soon. They will be from a limited selection however because Albert's camera was low on battery, and John cannot put pictures from his camera on Albert's computer. Everybody enjoyed seeing the whole city finally and getting a better idea for its size and style. Highlights included the Royal Palace and scenic Retiro Park, both of which are located close to our residencia. Famed Real Madrid Football's Estadio Santiago Bernabeu

How the heck do you get that up there?'

Main Square

I've seen better

A view from the Afternoon

After a tiring first few days, we are packing it in for our first quiet night in anticipation for tomorrow's trip.


  1. "What a night"?? Details boys, Details.....maybe we don't want to know. Excellent writing. John could upload his photos at an internet cafe? there must be a way.

  2. 3 straight hours of class. Boo hoo. Poor you. Cry me a river, John Bear.
